Encouraging Words

Yes, Lord

26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor. John 12:26

 God wants us to use our gifts and talents to edify the kingdom. Once we surrender our lives and say “yes Lord”, it doesn’t mean “yes Lord, I will today because I want too”, or “yes Lord, I will today because I am feeling well”. We are to serve AND follow God when our flesh may not want to and when our minds are in doubt.

This scripture it so powerful because it explains that once we become servants of God, we are his followers. We literally are with him where ever he goes- where ever he takes us. It’s so important to listen and HEAR God in ALL things. We need to consult him daily to try to understand where he wishes to take us. Keyword, “try”. We will never fully understand where God has us as his servants or where he leads us, but one thing is forsure, if we serve him, we need to follow him, thoroughly.
Praise God today for being a TRUE servant and follower. Challenge your self to say “Yes Lord” in ALL things.
Stay encouraged!


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